Welcome to our pilot retreat!

We’re so excited to be able to offer our first pilot retreat! Kurdy and I have wanted to do this for some time, and it’s finally coming together with the help of Mary McGuire and Karla McCoy in the Chicago area.

A pilot retreat gives us the opportunity to refine our class presentations before we teach them on a national level. Our pilot retreat will be April 13-16, 2023, in the Chicago area (details to follow).

We ask that our pilot stitchers attend the retreat in person, provide interaction during the class, and complete the project before our classes in August. We heavily rely on the feedback we receive to refine our instructions, make sure the class kit is complete with enough materials to finish the project, tweak the class pacing, and generally do a “dress rehearsal” on the presentation.

This is me teaching one of my classes at EGA National Seminar in New York this year. I use a lot of materials during my classes, including a visual presentation so all students can see well without leaving their seat.

I provide lots of personal attention as needed for my students.

And I make the video stitch demonstrations available to my students after the class, so they can successfully complete the project.

For our pilot retreat, no teaching fee is charged for the project. But there is a class fee to cover the expenses of the teachers’ travel, room charges for the venues, shipping kits, etc. For each class you’ll also need to pay the kit fee for the materials.

I hope you’ll consider joining us in Chicago in April for this exciting new venture! Details are on the product pages for each class, including some of the stitches used, cost, etc.

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