Debbie and Kurdy Pilot Retreat

So, finally it is going forward – Debbie and I have been throwing ideas around for a while; but with the help of our Chicago area friends, Mary McGuire and Karla McCoy, our idea is becoming a reality. We are going to have a joint retreat to pilot a set of classes for EGA and ANG 2023.

We would love to have you join us April 13-16, 2023 in the Chicago area for four days filled with pilot stitching.  “What is a pilot class?” you may want to know?  Well, before we teach a new class at the national level we have a “run through” class, with a small group of stitchers which is the pilot class.  We use the insights and feedback gained from this class to refine our charts, stitch sequencing, class pacing, and instructions proof reading – my personal downfall.  We ask that our pilot stitchers can either finish the entire project or their assigned section, and give us feedback well before national classes start in August, 2023.  This allows us to make any revisions to materials and also to make sure we have included enough materials in the kit to complete the design.

Here I am teaching last month. I have a great setup that allows me to demonstrate each stitch and project live camera and images from my PC for the class at about 400x the actual size of the stitch so that you can really see how everything comes together.

All of my charts are in color to make them easier to read. Every stitch has an easy to read diagram and there are how-to stitch videos available on my website in case you forget what was demonstrated in class.

I would love to see you in April, 2023 in Chicago for this first Pilot Retreat with Debbie and me.  More details are on the product pages for each class which includes some of the stitches used, the kit cost, and other details.

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